Chicago Metallic Muffin Pan: 12-Cup Special Offer
You can buy Chicago Metallic Muffin Pan: 12-Cup today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy Chicago Metallic Muffin Pan: 12-Cup. Also read our Chicago Metallic Muffin Pan: 12-Cup reviews before you decide to buy Chicago Metallic Muffin Pan: 12-Cup. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this
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Chicago Metallic Muffin Pan: 12-Cup Reviews
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Chicago Metallic Muffin Pan: 12-Cup. If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
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Chicago Metallic Muffin Pan: 12-Cup Reviews
4 of 5 people found the following review helpful Very disappointed, December 8, 2009 This review is from: Chicago Metallic Muffin Pan I bought two 12 muffin baking pans and two muffin top pans based on reviews of these products. Boy, am I disappointed! The first batch of muffins in the muffin pans were okay, not great but the second batch had to be scraped out. I followed directions for both pans and did not use baking spray. I had to dig the muffin tops out of the pans. This was definitely not what I expected. I used a lower temp than I usually do, just as directions stated. These baking pans are not inexpensive but I will probably go back to using my old pans in the future. BTW, I have been baking for 52 years, I am not a beginner baker.
1 of 2 people found the following review helpful Another Great Piece of Bakeware From Chicago Metallic, November 4, 2009 By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Chicago Metallic Muffin Pan I own several pieces of Chicago Metallic bakeware, and this muffin pan is up to the high standards I've come to expect from them. As advertised, the muffin pan is completely non stick--I've made mini muffins and quiches in it so far without any sticking problems. The pan provides even baking, so the muffins are evenly browned and cooked. It also cleans up really easily, which is always useful, especially if you're a baker like me that tends to drip everywhere.
I always recommend Chicago Metallic bakeware, and I've added this piece to my list of recommendations. You won't be disappointed with this professional quality piece.
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4 of 5 people found the following review helpful Very disappointed, This review is from: Chicago Metallic Muffin Pan I bought two 12 muffin baking pans and two muffin top pans based on reviews of these products. Boy, am I disappointed! The first batch of muffins in the muffin pans were okay, not great but the second batch had to be scraped out. I followed directions for both pans and did not use baking spray. I had to dig the muffin tops out of the pans. This was definitely not what I expected. I used a lower temp than I usually do, just as directions stated. These baking pans are not inexpensive but I will probably go back to using my old pans in the future. BTW, I have been baking for 52 years, I am not a beginner baker. 1 of 2 people found the following review helpful Another Great Piece of Bakeware From Chicago Metallic, By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Chicago Metallic Muffin Pan I own several pieces of Chicago Metallic bakeware, and this muffin pan is up to the high standards I've come to expect from them. As advertised, the muffin pan is completely non stick--I've made mini muffins and quiches in it so far without any sticking problems. The pan provides even baking, so the muffins are evenly browned and cooked. It also cleans up really easily, which is always useful, especially if you're a baker like me that tends to drip everywhere.I always recommend Chicago Metallic bakeware, and I've added this piece to my list of recommendations. You won't be disappointed with this professional quality piece. |
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Chicago Metallic Muffin Pan: 12-Cup, Chicago Metallic Muffin Pan: 12-CupChicago Metallic Muffin Pan: 12-Cup, Chicago Metallic Muffin Pan: 12-CupChicago Metallic Muffin Pan: 12-Cup, Chicago Metallic Muffin Pan: 12-CupChicago Metallic Muffin Pan: 12-Cup, Chicago Metallic Muffin Pan: 12-CupChicago Metallic Muffin Pan: 12-Cup, Chicago Metallic Muffin Pan: 12-Cup
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